As retirement benefit amounts differ, this CPP OAS Benefits calculator helps determine your much you may receive. When planning for retirement, it’s crucial to consider Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) benefits as part of your overall financial strategy. The amount you will receive from these benefits will depend on a number of factors.
These government-sponsored programs provide a foundation of income for many retirees, supplementing personal savings and other retirement accounts. By factoring in these benefits using the CPP OAS Benefits calculator, you can more accurately assess your total retirement income and make informed decisions about savings goals, investment strategies, and lifestyle choices in retirement.
CPP OAS Calculator is also available in French.
The amount you’ll receive from CPP and OAS can vary significantly based on several factors, making it challenging to estimate without proper tools. Given the complexities, using the CPP OAS Benefits calculator can provide a clearer picture of your potential government retirement income.