TDS and GDS Calculator

The two main calculations used to determine how much you can afford to borrow for a loan or a new home purchase are the total debt service ratio (TDS) and gross debt service ratio (GDS). This TDS and GDS Calculator illustrates how each work.


Discover how TDS and GDS work.

Financial professionals can leverage Total Debt Service (TDS) and Gross Debt Service (GDS) ratios as powerful tools to help their clients make informed decisions about their financial health and borrowing capacity. The TDS ratio calculates the percentage of a client’s gross income that goes towards paying all debt obligations, including housing costs and other debts like credit cards and loans. On the other hand, the GDS ratio focuses solely on housing-related expenses as a percentage of gross income. By using these ratios, advisors can provide clients with a clear picture of their current financial situation and help them understand how much debt they can comfortably manage.

TDS and GDS Calculator

Simulate Various Scenarios

When working with clients, advisors can use TDS and GDS calculators to simulate various scenarios and demonstrate the impact of different financial decisions. For example, they can show how taking on additional debt or purchasing a more expensive home might affect the client’s debt service ratios. This approach allows clients to visualize the potential consequences of their choices and make more informed decisions about major financial commitments. Additionally, advisors can use these calculators to help clients set realistic financial goals and develop strategies to improve their debt ratios over time

Additional calculators to help with your planning include:

Loan Calculator
Debt Consolidation
Pay Down Debt or Invest

Leaf IconThe calculator can be viewed for free up to five (5) times on this site.
To use the full-featured versions of these calculators in FreshPlan, please contact us.

Companion Infographic

This companion credit score infographic illustrates the factors involved in determining your credit score, and why a good score is important. This infographic is included in FreshPlan.

Credit Score Infographic


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