Present Value Calculator

Understanding your current financial situation is the foundation where holistic financial planning begins. It is the first step toward achieving life goals through the proper management of financial affairs. This Present Value calculator tool will help.

Present Value

This present value calculator can be used to calculate the present value of a certain amount of money in the future.

Present value as the amount you need to save now to have a determined amount of money in the future.

It’s what you need to invest now to have a certain amount of money at a future date.

Present Value Calculator

Companion Infographic

Planning for retirement involves trade-offs. This FreshPlan infographic illustrated the amount of capital required will depend on a number of variables. This infographic can trigger great conversations with clients about their expectation for their retirement.

Retirement Trade Offs


These consumer-facing financial calculators can be embedded in your web site quickly and easily.

Calculators are easy-to-use and fully responsive on any device – phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

Full Branding
Calculators can be fully branded according to your branding style guide. You’ll be up and running with a quick turnaround.

The calculator can be viewed for free up to five (5) times.
To use the full-featured versions of these calculators in FreshPlan, please contact us.

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