Compare Two RRSPs Calculator

This Compare Two RRSPs calculator illustrates how differing initial investment, time periods and rates of return impact the outcome of your RRSP. This future value calculator also compares the impact of monthly or annual investing have on the end amounts.


This Compare Two RRSPs calculator allows you to compare two different scenarios to measure the growth of your RRSP.

RRSPs continue to represent one of the most significant tax savings opportunities available to individual Canadians – and one of the most effective ways of saving for retirement.

Retirement Planning calculators allow you to walk through various scenarios to help you plan and save for the future. Companion calculators include:

Will the Money Last?
Capital Required
Inflation & Retirement Income
RRSP Withdrawals
RRSP Withholding Taxes

Compare Two RRSPs Calculator

Companion Infographic

This Ways to Grow Your RRSP companion infographic offers ten strategies to help grow your RRSP and increase your capital for retirement. Discover when the best time to invest is, what the contribution limit is, and other ways to help increase the value of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan.


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Full Branding
Calculators can be fully branded according to your branding style guide. You’ll be up and running with a quick turnaround.

Calculators are available in English and French. 

The calculator can be viewed for free up to five (5) times.
To use the full-featured versions of these calculators in FreshPlan, please contact us.

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