RRSP and TFSA Infographic

This TFSA and RRSP infographic illustrates that often saving for the future involves using both RRSPs and TFSAs.

RRSP and TFSA Infographic

Is it better to invest in an RRSP or TFSA? With updated numbers each year, this infographic is designed to help illustrate the answer, “it depends”.

This TFSA and RRSP infographic illustrates the similarities and differences between the Registered Retirement Saving Plan and the Tax-Free Savings Plan. Both RRSPs and TFSAs offer tax advantages to save for both long and short-term goals.

This infographic includes current contribution limits and information about eligibility and tax deductibility. Moreover, highlights on withdrawing funds are included like timing and tax on withdrawals. The TFSA and RRSP infographic is a helpful resource updated each year. For details about each savings plan, visit the CRA site.

This infographic is included in FreshPlan software and is also available as a print-ready or web-ready piece.

To help with your planning, explore these related infographics:

Grow Your RRSP
TFSA Spend or Invest
Registered Plan Limits

Companion Calculator

Companion retirement calculators help to illustrate different scenarios to help you plan and save for the future. Companion calculators include:

RRSP Limits
RRSP Savings and Income
RRSP Plan Limits
Compare Two RRSPs

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