Canada Child Benefit Calculator

The Canada Child Benefit calculator helps determine the amount of CCB a family receives and considers their income and the number of children they have. CCB is a crucial support mechanism administered by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to assist families with the expenses associated with raising children under 18 years old.


Updated for 2024-2025. Calculate the estimated amount of Canada Child Benefit you will receive.

The amount you will receive between July 2024 and June 2025 is based on your net family income reported on your 2023 tax returns. The benefits are indexed to inflation and are adjusted each year in July.

The Canada Child Benefit serves as a crucial financial resource for families across Canada, providing monthly tax-free payments based on income and family size. For financial advisors, leveraging tools like the Canada Child Benefit calculator enhances their ability to provide tailored and effective financial advice, ultimately helping families navigate their financial goals with clarity and confidence.

Canada Child Benefit Calculator

CCB Calculator for Financial Advisors

Financial advisors find it strategic to use the Canada Child Benefit calculator with their clients as part of their financial planning process for several reasons. Firstly, it helps advisors accurately estimate the amount of government support their clients can expect, allowing for better budgeting and financial forecasting. Secondly, understanding the CCB amount enables advisors to optimize their clients’ financial strategies, such as tax planning and investment decisions, to maximize overall household income. Lastly, incorporating the CCB into financial plans ensures that advisors can provide comprehensive advice that considers all available resources and benefits, thereby enhancing the overall financial well-being of their clients and their families.

Companion Infographic

This Money Dates infographic is updated annually and includes income tax filing and instalment dates, income tax expense dates, and registered plans contribution and repayment dates. Also included are Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefit dates in addition to Canada Child Benefit payment dates.


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