RESP Withdrawal Calculator

The Registered Education Savings Plan is a government approved plan to help Canadians save for post-secondary education. This RESP Withdrawal calculator helps to break down amounts when it’s time to take funds out.

Student studying

This calculator helps look at options when withdrawing an RESP.

If no beneficiaries of an RESP attend school by age 21, and the RESP has been in place for at least ten years, the subscriber can withdraw the plan’s earning. Tax and penalty’s may be a factor. Discover if transferring to to an RRSP is a consideration.

This RESP Withdrawal calculator breaks down the results with consideration to the principal, repayment of the CESG, taxes and and transfers.

Education planning calculators estimate the future costs of education, illustrates saving tools and grants, and unused RESP scenarios. Companion calculators include:

RESP Withdrawal Calculator

Companion Infographic

The Education Planning and RESP infographics highlight this tax-sheltered plan that helps you save for a child’s post-secondary education faster. Combine calculators and infographic on your website to engage visitors.

RESP Infographic


These consumer-facing financial calculators can be embedded in your web site quickly and easily.

Calculators are easy-to-use and fully responsive on any device – phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

Full Branding
Calculators can be fully branded according to your branding style guide. You’ll be up and running with a quick turnaround.

Calculators are available in English and French. 

The calculator can be viewed for free up to five (5) times.
To use the full-featured versions of these calculators in FreshPlan, please contact us.

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