Gift in Kind Donation Calculator

The Gift in Kind Donation calculator helps to estimate the tax savings from making a donation of a gift in kind or of shares. Cash donations are the simplest form of donating to a charity, however, gifts in kind are a way of donating to organizations that are important to you without triggering a capital gain.


Calculate the tax savings from making a donation of a gift in kind or of shares.

This Gift in Kind Donation calculator considers the fair market value of the donation, adjusted cost base and the type of donation. A donation credit calculation includes both provincial credits, depending on where you live, and federal credits. 

Charitable Giving is an important part of tax and estate planning. Discover the many ways you can support organizations and the impact on your financial plan with these calculators:

Charitable Donation
Donating Shares to a Charity
Donate Some Shares, Sell Some

Gift in Kind Donation Calculator

Companion Infographic

The Charitable Giving infographic works well as a companion piece to this calculator. The infographics highlights how supporting causes that are important to you is also good tax planning. Learn more about ways to support charitable organizations and the affect it may have on your taxes. 

Charitable Giving Infographic


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