Money Facts Infographic

From registered contribution limits to benefit amounts and tax rates, the Money Facts infographics are updated annually and serves as a helpful reference for these important conversations with clients.

Money Facts infographics on a desk

Each province also has their own Money Dates infographic featuring provincial combined marginal tax rates.

There are a number of Money Facts to keep track of during the year. Because contribution limits and benefit payments change each year, this timely guide illustrates updates for RRSP and TFSA contribution limits, annual Canada Pension Plan benefits, Old Age Security pension benefits, and federal and provincial tax rates.

This infographic is included in FreshPlan software and is also available as a print-ready or web-ready piece.

Related Infographics:

Money Dates
OAS & CPP Benefits

Companion Calculator

Several companions calculators help to illustrate various scenarios to help you plan and save for the future. Companion calculators include:

RRSP Limit
TFSA vs RRSP Calculator
CPP & OAS Benefit Amount
Compare Two RRSPs

Infographic Features

Communicate Complex Concepts
Financial Infographics are an effective way to take complex ideas, filled with data and facts and simplifying the story using with visuals. When clients and prospects gain insights quickly, the content is more memorable.

Current & Shareable
Manage your client communications with current and timely vibrant infographics to share on social media, via email, in meetings or mailings.

Infographics are personalized with the advisor name, contact information and company logo.

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