This Time to Recover calculator uses historical data to estimate how long it will take your investments to recover from a market downturn.
Timing the market is incredibly difficult. It can be challenging to watch market prices decline. History shows that not all bear markets lead to long-term downturns and stocks can often rebound quite quickly. If investors sell when the market is down, they will realize an actual loss. If they leave their investments and wait for the upturn to come, they won’t realize a loss.
History shows that not all bear markets lead to long-term downturns and stocks can often rebound quite quickly. Investment portfolios should be adjusted for an Investors risk tolerance and long and short-term goals to help protect against volatility and other risks.
Historical perspective calculators help to provide insight into how a security or market has reacted to a variety of different variables. Companion calculators include:
• Staying Invested
• Stocks and Holding Periods
• Diversify and Protect
• Stock, Bonds and Cash