The Diversify and Protect calculator is an essential tool for investors looking to build resilient portfolios capable of withstanding market volatility. This calculator demonstrates the importance of diversification by illustrating how a well-balanced portfolio can mitigate risk associated with individual investments. By spreading investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and cash, investors can potentially reduce overall portfolio volatility and enhance long-term stability.
Diversification is based on the principle that different types of assets behave differently under various economic conditions. For example, during periods of economic growth, stocks may perform well while bonds provide stability during market downturns. This Diversify and Protect calculator illustrated how by holding a diversified portfolio, investors can smooth out fluctuations in returns and position themselves to capitalize on opportunities across different market cycles. This strategy not only helps protect against unforeseen market shocks but also improves the likelihood of achieving consistent and sustainable investment returns over time.
Diversify and Protect Calculator is also available in French
Companion calculators include:
• Staying Invested
• Stocks and Holding Periods
• Stock, Bonds and Cash