Stocks and Holding Periods

While short-term downturns occur in the markets, the long-term trend has been firmly upward. This Stocks and Holding Period calculator illustrates the 1, 5, 10 and 20 year trailing returns for the S&P/TSX Total Return Index for the 75 year period from 1947 to 2021.

Holding Periods calculator

See how longer holding periods reduce the range of best and worst returns on stocks.

Historically, there is greater volatility when looking at the one year trailing returns graph (or one month in the companion calculator). However, the number of negative return periods drops off dramatically after three years. For example, there are only 15 negative holding periods for 5 year periods and none for the 10 and 20 year periods. This Stocks and Holding periods calculator offers a historical perspective to risk and returns.
Historical perspective calculators help to provide insight into how a security or market has reacted to a variety of different variables.

Historical perspective calculators help to provide insight into how a security or market has reacted to a variety of different variables. Companion calculators include:

Staying Invested
• Diversify and Protect
Time to Recover
Rate of Return Odds
Stock, Bonds and Cash

Stocks and Holding Periods

Companion Infographic

This companion Holding Periods and Volatility infographic illustrates the impact has on volatility and how longer holding periods reduce the range of best and worst returns on stocks. This infographic works well as a companion piece with this calculator.

Holding Periods and Volatility Infographic


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