Compare taking the commuted value of your defined benefit pension to taking a lifetime pension.
Discover how much your Canadian Old Age Security benefits may be reduced with this OAS Clawback Calculator.
Calculate how much you can contribute, tax-free, to your TFSA
Calculate when withdrawals from a spousal RRSP are taxed in the contributor or the spouse’s name.
Calculate how much tax will be withheld from your RRSP withdrawal.
Calculate your RRSP contribution and tax savings.
Calculate how long an investment will last when you make regular withdrawals.
Calculate how withdrawing money from your RRSP can dramatically affect your retirement.
Estimate your payments and determine if you will have enough money to sustain your retirement.
Calculate how much capital is needed to generate an annual income.
This CPP Benefits calculator compares the value of CPP benefits if you take them earlier or later to help maximize retirement benefits.
This CPP & OAS table illustrates your current and projected CPP and OAS benefits.