Charitable Donation Calculator

Try this Charitable Donations calculator and discover how giving back to support the causes that are important to you is also good tax planning. Canadian tax laws are structured so individuals can claim a tax credit for charitable donations, which can then be used to reduce the balance owing to the Canada Revenue Agency on taxable income.

Charitable Giving

This Charitable Donation calculator estimates the after-tax cost of a charitable donation.

A cash gift is the simplest form of donation, however, by gifting securities, you may realize even more tax savings than you would by donating cash.

Charitable Giving is an important part of tax and estate planning. Discover the many ways you can support organizations and the impact on your financial plan with these calculators:

Charitable Donation
Donating Shares to a Charity
Donate Some Shares, Sell Some

Charitable Donation Calculator

Companion Infographic

The Charitable Giving infographic works well as a companion piece to this calculator. The infographics highlights how supporting causes that are important to you is also good tax planning. Learn more about ways to support charitable organizations and the affect it may have on your taxes. 

Charitable Giving Infographic


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