Calculate the present value of a certain amount of money in the future.
Discover how diversification can reduce the impact of a market decline on your portfolio.
From 2025 registered contribution limits to benefit amounts and tax rates, Money Facts infographics serve as a helpful reference all year.
Your personal financial plan should involve the six steps outlined in the following infographic.
This Net Worth Statement infographic highlights the components and outlines the benefits of having one.
ARCHIVES. As the first cheques have gone out already, summer is a great time to talk to clients about the Canada child benefit.
Your Net Worth is your reference point on your financial road map.
This cash flow calculator helps to to track household income and expenses.
Use this calculator to see how taxes and inflation affect the real rate of return of your investments.
This calculator will help you compare different savings scenarios to discover the future value of investment.
Archived: Social media continues to be a powerful tool to help you establish your personal and professional brand. Explore how you can best leverage these platforms.
So it’s important to understand the differences and needs of different generations. Learn more bout working with NexGen clients.